Delta Omicron Lambda
Est. 1996​
Missouri S&T
Rush ΔΟΛ!
We host a variety of rush events at the start of spring and fall semesters. Potential new members are required to attend at least 2 recruitment events, but are encouraged to attend them all!
Recruitment events listed here

Pledges are expected to get 15 sisterhood points to become active. These have to be completed by attending sisterhood events, socials with other organizations, and competing or spectating intramural games!
Pledges are expected to get 15 service hours to become active. These have to be completed by serving Russell House, attending a highway cleanup, and performing general service in the S&T community such as giving blood or supporting other organizations' philanthropy events.
All members pay dues. Currently our dues are about $100 per semester. This cost mostly covers insurance to attend Greek events and parties, but it also covers all DOL hosted events' budgets and supplies. Since we don't have a house and we're not a national chapter, our dues are much, much cheaper than others!
We are so excited to get to know you!